2017 Gathering of Geezers

Again the Upper Clutha Children’s Medical Trust committee members were involved in this hugely popular event, held annually at the Warbirds & Wheels Museum.

The Trustees, Robert Duncan, Garth Hogan, George Wallis and their organising team did a magnificent job of putting together another top class event, and our committee members, and their partners, thoroughly enjoyed helping to make the night another success.

We are extremely grateful for the very generous donation that the Trustees of Warbirds & Wheels made to the UCCMT from the proceeds of the event.  This is the sort of generosity from within our community that allows us to help families that are struggling to provide health care for their children.

UCCMT Raffle. The winner was delighted with all of the goodies donated by members and friends of the Trust – beautifully assembled by Sharyn Mathias.